Battle system - How does it work

Battle system

Join the battle

In some scenes of the game there will be an "Explore" button (currently exploration will only trigger the battle event). Clicking it will allow you to enter battle mode.

Party battle mode vs Solo battle mode.

In solo mode you will not be able to take advantage of the "Switch" features and the "Partner Coverage" features.
In "party" mode it will be possible to switch position (switch), position yourself behind an allied player (Partner Coverage).

The positioning system is structured as a grid and consists of 4 positions, 2 front and 2 back.

Standing behind an allied player will activate a particular effect, it will ensure that your character does not take damage (mobs can't target you). But be careful, the damage you will do with your attacks will be halved by 50% as long as you are behind your partner.

Defense actions system

The combat phase is not marked by real turns, but by the level of stamina and by the attacks of the mobs that you will have to try to parry or dodge, however you can also choose to get hitted and attack simultaneously (sometimes it's better to attack 2 times and take damage than to defend 1 time and only attack 1 time).

The list of defensive actions currently consists of:
-  Parry left
-  Parry right
-  Charge left
-  Charge right
-  Block

Attack actions system

At the moment there is only one type of attack, but we are already hypothesizing and evaluating the creation of a set of skills for the next releases, and also a combined attack that we will call "Switch Special Attack".
It will be possible to select the mob to attack.

Loot and exps system

Currently when the battles end the loot and experience will be the same for everyone.
If you fight 1 on 1 and get 20exp and 1 item when you fight 2 on 1 you will get 20 exp and 1 item for each player.

Stamina, skillpoints, healthbar

At present there are 3 bars:
-  The HP bar, if it reaches 0 the player will die and 
   lost everything (items, exp, cols, your level and the entire player player, this is a permadeath game).
-  The Stamina bar, every time we perform an attack or defense type action, will be consumed (but will regenerate over time).
-  The Skillpoints bar (currently not used)


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It's getting really good, I really liked the battle and loot systems. Eagerly awaiting the release

thank you, thank you so much for your feedback, it means a lot to me